Drone control simulation by hand movement

Hrithik Verma
Dec 15, 2020


In this simulation drone is controlled by hand movements. This simulation is done in V-Rep robotic simulator and image processing is done in MATLAB. In MATLAB, the center coordinates of orange object is calculated than those coordinated are send to the V-Rep simulator and drone moves according to the coordinates.

Check project files to understand more about it


Email id: vermahrithik10@gmail.com

Direct message me at Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hrithik.verma.100/?hl=en



Hrithik Verma
Hrithik Verma

Written by Hrithik Verma

Presently persuading B.Tech mechanical engineering from LPU, Punjab,India. I am robotics enthusiast .I love to design, simulate, code

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